iPhone 13 has received a whopping Rs 10,000 price cut after iPhone 14 series launch in India. The iPhone 13 Mini, also, got cheaper by Rs 5,000. As is usually the norm
Apple has discontinued the iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max to make way for iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max. The iPhone 12 Mini and iPhone 11 will also join them in retirement.
iPhone 13 with 128GB storage price in India now stands at Rs 69,900. iPhone 13 with 256GB and 512GB of storage are available for Rs 79,900 and Rs 99,900, respectively.
iPhone 13 Mini with 128GB storage price in India now stands at Rs 64,900. iPhone 13 Mini with 256GB and 512GB of storage are available for Rs 74,900 and Rs 94,900, respectively.
Apple doesn’t make the iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max anymore. Obviously, you will still be able to find them online, possibly at more affordable prices, until stocks last.
Apple recently started assembling the iPhone 13 in India with its manufacturing partner Foxconn at its plant in southern Tamil Nadu state.
Apple launched the iPhone 14 series at its Far Out event on September 7. The series spawns four models: iPhone 14, iPhone 14 Plus, iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max.
iPhone 14 starts at Rs 79,900, iPhone 14 Plus at Rs 89,900, while the iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max start at Rs 1,29,900 and Rs 1,39,900, respectively.