Auspicious time of Janmashtami, Janmashtami Puja Vidhi: The Hindu festival of Krishna Janmashtami is celebrated on the eighth day of the Hindu calendar.
It is believed that Lord Krishna was the eighth incarnation of Lord Vishnu. He was born in Mathura and is regarded as a significant event in the country. During this festival, various events such as dahi handi are held in the various regions.
Krishna was born in Mathura during the month Bhadrapada on Ashtami date which fall in August or September. His uncle, King Kansa, had imprisoned his parents, Vasudev and Devaki after a soothsayer said that their eighth son would cause their deaths.
the festivities are marked with much enthusiasm. During this period, various dishes and sweets are prepared to celebrate the Lord’s birth. It is believed that Krishna arrives at midnight to receive the prasad.
When Krishna was born, his father, Vasudev, managed to escape from the prison and went to Gokul. He left his child with Yashodha and Nanda Baba, living in Gokul. Krishna was a beautiful child and loved butter.
However, this didn’t deter the child, as he and his friends would construct human pyramids to steal the butter. This act, which is considered to be a part of the Dahi Handi festivities, is an intrinsic part of the Hindu culture.
During this period, various dishes and sweets are prepared to celebrate the Lord’s birth. It is believed that Krishna arrives at midnight to receive the prasad.